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Version 0.5.5: Now that I can handle them, I want more lineage definitions!

  • usher_barcodes() can now download usher_barcodes_with_gisaid.csv.
  • covariants() runs a python script to get lineage definitions from Hodcroft Lab, the data behind
    • Requires the reticulate package and an installation of python (the lineage definitions are stored in a python file, and I’m not a good enough programmer to parse it).
  • plot_lineage_defs2() can handle cases where mutations/lineages are completely missing from one of the defs.
  • pkgdown() site complete.

Version 0.5.4: What will I do with all these lineage definitions?

  • Visualize which mutations were used the most with plot_actual_defs(res, type = "used")!
  • Visualize the coverage for each mutation used with plot_actual_defs(res, type = "coverage")!
  • Colours are always going to be a pain, but plot_lineage_defs2() has been overhauled to be a little easier.
  • Bugfixes:
    • error in plot and autoplot when by_col was NULL.

Version 0.5.3: What does that lineage definition look like to you?

  • Added a plotting function plot_lineage_defs() for a single lineage definition matrix. Made it pretty.
  • Added a plotting function plot_lineage_defs2() that compares two lineage definition matrices. Made it pretty.
    • Allows for user-specified colours, which was hard and probably won’t be used much but I’m happy with it.
    • Accepts output of provoc(), from which it will extract the actual lineage defintions used.

Version 0.5.2: Call it what you want.

  • Documentation has been significantly updated.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: If you use the argument by = "sra", the result will have a column labelled sra (not group, as before).

Version 0.5.1: “Lineages of Concern” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: All names changed from “variant” to “lineage” (except in “variant of concern”).
    • varmat has been changed to lineage_defs because that’s much clearer.
  • Minor documentation updates, mainly failed inheritance.